Rotor Diameter
2 in
Material Thickness
10 to 8 GA0.134 to 0.164 in
Flange Length
13/16 to 2 in
Bend Types
CB1 Square Bend
CB12 Return Bend
CB13 Large Radius Bend
CB2 Short Leg
CB21 Square Bend, Rod
CB3 Over Square
CB4 Under Square
CB5 Zee Bend
CB6 Open Zee
CB7 Channel Bend
CB8 Hal Bend
CLAMP: Material is securely clamped without other holddowns. No skidding. Bend: The sheet always stays level. Faster bending with improved safety and consistency. Overbend: Rotor bends beyond 90° to allow for springback. Overbend rotors can bend to 120° in one press stroke.
For Press Brakes & Punch Press Applications
1 MAR-FREE BENDING Most dies can be equipped with Delrin® rotors to bend pre-finished and stainless steels without tool marks.
2 BEND SHORT FLANGES on the ends of large sheets with no part whip-up. Operators run more parts safely with less scrap...even on heavy gauge material.
3 ONE-HIT CHANNEL DIES Adjustable channel die.
4 QUICK CHANGE DIES Anvil sections easily changed in the press for special applications. NOTE: Run different part thicknesses by shimming here.
6 BUILT-IN GAGES or specify clearances for automatic gages. PELICO GAGE SHOWN A) Gage rotates as die closes, spring returns gage each time. B) Gage is adjustable.
7 COMPLETE HEMMING DIES A) Bend part to 120º. B) Flatten to 180º.
Let us quote your application Families of parts are often satisfied with one die designed for your needs.